2013 Results, Sponsors & Volunteers

In December, 300 new and used blankets were collected for those in need. In February, more blankets came in, so the total jumped to 340. Much needed during this brutally cold winter.


  • volunteers Cyndy Blackburn, Farley Berholz, Gayle Claris, Kim Solomon, Rosemary Waldorf and Susan Reda for collecting and delivering blankets.
  • and to these businesses which served as drop off locations:

During the past ten years, Blanket Orange County has collected and distributed a total of 2,538 blankets.

John Dorward, Executive Director of Inter-faith Council for Social Services says,

¨The Inter-faith Council (IFC) has come to rely on Blanket Orange County as our primary partner in providing blankets to both sheltered and unsheltered people living in Orange County. Our limited budget for items like blankets would never stretch far enough to meet the need without this invaluable project.

¨We start getting requests for blankets as soon as the first few days of cold weather descend upon the area. Not only do we distribute the blankets we receive from Blanket Orange County to our clients and residents, but we also share with some of the other organizations working with populations who are at risk.¨

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